growing eggplants: easy & rewarding

The first vegetable I successfully grew was an eggplant! I bought it at around 6″ from Bonnie Plants at the Heaux Depot (aka Home Depot). It produced around six vegetables and they tasted so delicious. Nothing compares to a fresh vegetable that you grew at home.

I think the best part of growing an eggplant is the beautiful purple flower it grows from.

Some of them grew spikes, which I thought was disgusting but apparently it’s the plant’s defensive mechanism.

From not being able to grow any vegetables, to growing six eggplants in one season, I have got to say that this veggie is easy and rewarding because they are low maintenance and produce so much! All they need is some extra support because of the heavy vegetables.

The photo of the eggplant below is a “black beauty” variety, which took forever to grow. It would flower, but then nothing would come out of it. It didn’t even produce a vegetable in the spring. A flower that produced a veggie finally blossomed in December. Hooray! I can’t wait to harvest it and make something delicious out of it.

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